It's Time to Set the Spirit Free
Every morning the moment I wake up, I greet the Spirit that's moving within me, bringing the gift of life and consciousness. I say, ''Dear Spirit, I thank you for coming to work in this body as life, light and consciousness. I promise you that I shall do my bit today towards setting you free." Why do we have to set the Spirit free? Just to think this spark of Spirit which is a fraction of the Source Spirit, the Light of Light or God has been trapped in a body of flesh in darkness for eons life after life. Without it nothing no human souls can be animated into consciousness. If we as individuals keep the Spirit trapped in body after body, life after life, we are committing SIN against Spirit and God. If we engage ourselves in worldly gains - wealth, name and fame, power, materials success, sensual pleasure, etc. - at the cost of letting the Spirit shines through, then we are accumulating karma which will bind us further and further in the material plane, density,...