Enlightenment - what can you do with it?

About 15 years ago when I was in my mid thirties, I had an experience which could be described as 'mystical' as it is totally beyond mundane reality:-

One summer night in Beijing, China, it was getting around midnight and I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep. I was fully conscious with nothing in particular occupying my mind. The night seemed to be exceedingly quiet. Then all of a sudden I was startled by a massive humming noise that seem to be booming around the whole of the universe; and at the same time my eye balls flipped upwards and my crown of the head seemed to have blasted open.  I beheld (not with the physical eyes) this most brilliant effulgence all around me that it completely enveloped me; in fact there was no separation between me and the light because I lost the separate being-ness so that I was part of that light. The light was nothing like any light you see in this world because you feel it is the source of all the light in the universe; it is the light of light. It had neither direction nor speed of movement. It had no particular quality either but just pure effulgence in golden silver colour. It seemed to be talking to me but with no words: it seems to be saying: I'm the source of everything in the cosmos, source of all the light, love, joy, all the goodness; come back to me! The immense bliss that was melting me was beyond words; it is a bit like a sexual orgasm but ten times stronger and more powerful; and instead of occurring from the sexual organ it started from within my cranium and then expanded to engulf the whole of the universe with me being a particle of it.
After a while, the booming Aum sound subsided and the light also; I was back to my normal consciousness, still lying on the same spot on the bed. I stretched out one hand to try to feel my body to check if I'm still alive. I surely was. I looked around the room and it was as dark and dead quiet as before. Then I started trying to figure out what had just happened. Did I just saw God? Was I hurled back to the beginning of the Universe when the Big Bang happened? Or was I getting a Samadhi as the Hindus calls it or experiencing the kundalini awakening? But what stikes me as strange is that I wasn't trying to meditate or trying to visualise God at that particular hour. In other words, all that happened complete uninvited and therefore unexpected on my part. It isn't completely fair to say that because I had been intensely practising yoga and meditation for hours a day for a couple of years up till then.  And my body was under-going something rather weird at the time. The eye balls kept rolling up without me wanting them to which was accompanied by this sense of pressure in the mid brain and around the crown of the head. And some rather strange chanting voices and music kept coming up in a language I was not familiar with(it reminds me of Sanskrit). They seemed not to be of this world but rather celestrial or ethereal. They seemed to be coming from inside of my head and yet from a far far away place in the cosmos.
Even till this day I still can't think of a name to give to that experience. I know for sure it was not just a vision, and certainly not a hallucination. It was a most profound and most real experience. I wouldn't call it enlightenment in itself because if I had been enlightened, I wouldn't have been still around today struggling to bring up two kids and paying a mortgage. A glimpse of enlightenment, perhaps? I would imagine if one had a complete enlightenment, one would completely fuse with that all-engulfing Light and never come back to physicality again.
Though that was an one-off mystical experience, I've still gained from it some understanding of the nature of Divinity or God if you prefer.  Here is a brief summery of it:
God is not an old man with white beard sitting on a throne in Heaven judging everyone down here;
Light has no speed or limit, it simply IS and it is everywhere. It has no beginning or end; it is the spring source of everything in the universe, there is nothing else. There is no difference between God, the Word, the Tao, the total truth, light, love, wisdom or bliss because it is just One; all the goodness that man can ever think of or experience is all in that Light;
man doesn't need to go through any mediator, church leader, spiritual teacher or higher-dimensional beings to reach that Light; It is trying to reach out to us all the time ever since time immemorial; that was where we all started and that's where we are going to return in the end;
Having a spiritual experience doesn't end your suffering; there isn't eternal happiness or joy to gain after all. So long as you have a body, you still have to suffer both physically and mentally.
Never have I stopped seeking to re-unite with that Light ever since though there were a period of about ten years of my life after that which I experienced as 'dark night of the soul'. I had two kids within a very traumatic relationship and experienced deception, emotional and physical abuse and violence and eventually abandonment and loss of home twice; betrayal from close family member...
Anyway, the good thing is now I'm back on track. I still believe deep down from the bottom of my soul that enlightenment is the only meaningful to do in ones life. I really wish I could give up that hope and start living a normal life; but the fact is everything in life seems to be rather meaningless and therefore boring to me - shopping, eating, clothing, socialising, even doing Tai Chi and yoga which I've been keeping up for years following a rather rigid daily self-imposed schedule. Everything in life just feels to be so mundane and tedious! In fact I feel so encased in the physicality of the world and my own body. The spirit wants to be totally free! It wants to go to its eternal home! 
Is there any wise old souls out there who can shed some light on my soul's plight? Even souls with no physical body who have made it to the other side? Or any spiritually advanced being from higher dimensions or densities who happen to be hovering in their star ship overhead?
My question is, even if you get enlightenment, what do you do with it in this mundane and dark world?!


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