Keep the lamp burning

I was listening to a lady talking about her experiences as a contactee of the Zeta Gray extra-terestials on You Tube last night. After some reflections for some time afterwards, I started to feel a rather urgent desire to shout out to everyone out there looking for E.T. contact, 'Keep awake and be aware!'

According to the lady who's published a couple of books about her contact, she was guided to start TaiChi, Chi Kung and meditation by the Gray ETs. She was also taken into the ships and taught some Chi King exercises which she is now teaching to folks down here. Moreover, she's been inserted some implant by the Grays to help her keep her vibrational level high, keep her in perfect health as well as a device to keep her tracked for easier contact.
I cannot help but asking these questions:
Is the spiritual progress of us Earth humans down to any E.T. race?
Would any ET race who has our highest interest in mind feel the need to use inserts on us?
Are we so dim and hopeless that we have to rely on inserts from E.T.s for maintaining good health and high vibrational levels?
Lao Tze says, 'The further one wanders, the less knowing one has'. True knowing should come from within; light shines forth from within in the stillness and quietness of mind just like luminosity of a light bulb comes from within, not without. I don't care how advanced any E.T. race is and what technology they possess, true spiritual progress and ultimate enlightenment of human individuals can only come about through persistent and diligent practice on the part of  the individual seeker day in day out, year in year out. It's a path of aloneness and sacrifice. Joining a meditation group once a week is not spiritual practice, neither is attending a Tai Chi/Chi Kung or Yoga class once a week. Being psychic is no indication of one's spiritual progress (my cat is ten times more psychic than me). Obtaining a Reiki master certificate does not make one a healer, let alone a master. Mastership does not come by through the medium of money. Every single one of us is a healer within, its just a matter of uncovering the powers from within and reconnecting with the healing energies of Nature, from our Mother Earth, Father Sun and other cosmic rays. True knowledge is self knowledge and it comes from within. Again I quote Lao Tze, 'Knowing others is intelligence; knowing the Self is wisdom'.
Such knowledge of the Self can only be gained by hours of quiet contemplation and meditation daily which means time alone away from all manners of distraction in the form of entertainment (TV, newspaper), activities on the mundane physical plane. 'Be still and know that I am your God' is the teaching of Jesus. That 'I' is nothing other than our Higher Self, the portion of our multi-dimensional Self that stays with our Creator, the true Light, Love and Life that has no death. But to get in touch with the I, one has to learn to be still. Such stillness implies keeping the mind clear un-muddled by any distractions from without. Only in stillness of the mind can one get in touch with the core of his being which enables him to hear the little voice, the whispering of his Higher Self, the God within. Unfortunately the majority of man are far too busy, far too restless to find time to be still to tune in to the voice within. For that reason God says, 'I show you signs but you do not see; I speak to you but you do not hear'.
'Those with ears, hear!'
Coming back to the topic of ET involvement with humanity, I have no doubt that many of our cosmic brothers out there have come into our reality because they truly want to help us. But let me say this:- any assistance or help from out there should not replace our own aspirations for true self knowledge and effort for sovereignty. If we as a race and as individuals fail to learn to be truly sovereign, we'll have to repeat the mistake of handing over our power to powers from an alien race or our government, the elite, the 'Masters in the form of churches, institutions and corporations; a mistake for which we've been paying for as slaves for tens of thousands of years! The fact that an ET race have advanced technologies to enable them to do time travel, space travel and to insert biological implants does not mean they are spiritually more advanced than us or they are closer to the Creator. If our spiritual evolvement is simply a matter of opening ourselves up for contact experiences with ETs and allowing them to make some implants in our bodies, why on earth didn't our Creator allow this to take place aeons ago to bring us closer to Him?
As the drama of transformation on our planet continues to enfold in the times ahead, make sure we keep looking deep within for light from the depth and core of our soul.  The so-called 'disclosure' by our governments that's been anxiously awaited for by so many people, especially researchers and contactees, might eventually take place before too long. But I won't be surprised if the President of the United States makes the final disclosure by presenting a certain ET race to the world saying, 'Let us now meet our demi Gods and surrender ourselves to them.' We have been warned, we have been prepared!  
All I can say is, keep your lamp burning and let yourselves be guided by the light from within at all times under all circumstances.
OM Shanti!

About the author - non researcher, non contactee of any et group, non member of any religious group or institutions; non drug user or near-death-experiencer; non healer (in a commercial context), non channeller, non psychic. Daily taichi, chi kung and meditation practitioner (non-certified), channeller of the Self; mother of two.


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