We are creators, not survivers

So here we are, in December 2012, fast approaching the 'end of the Mayan calender', 21/12/2012. Energies are building up, so are people's anxieties. What on earth are going to happen on that day?
Nobody can say for sure. Different teachers are saying different things. All main stream scientists are saying is 'this could happen, that could happen.' But their keynote is the chances of natural catastrophy which could end civilization on earth. They talk about the possible solar flare bursts, super volcano eruptions, giant tidal waves that could occur, as if the Sun and our Earth are simply pieces of dead rocks in space being hurtled around randomly in total chaos. One scientists was even saying that our Sun has no regard for the Earth and everything living on it. I wouldn't be so sure about that. What if the Solar System, our galaxy and even the entire universe is an organic whole? Anything happens on one planet or one star system will affect the rest of the universe. Our planet is certainly a living organism with high level of consciousness. If all life on Earth is being supported by the rays of light and energy from the Sun, it would be totally absurd to assume that the Sun is simply a giant insentient burning rock put out there purely by chance.
Life didn't happen on Earth purely by chance. We humans have not come to this beautiful planet purely to adapt ourselves to the natural environment and to survive life on earth. What on earth will be the point of an advanced form of life like ourselves to go through the cycles of life and death time and time again just to survive each life! All the glitter and glory the modern society has attached to the so called 'success' is simply a way of saying 'well done, you've won the game of survival by accumulating more than anyone else'. But I really can't convince myself that mother Earth with her great beauty, abundance and creativity is here simply as a playground for the game of survival. If we are part of God's creation, then we are all part of the Creators' energy on Creator's journey. We must be creators/co-creators ourselves, not anything less! There's only one Spirit, one Tao moving in us all. Creativity is our soul's desire, our birthright. As human souls living on planet Earth, we are one living organism, part and particle of the mother planet just like the cells in our body are part and particle of our body. The way we've been exploiting her as mere sources of energy and food is like cutting out bits of ourselves to sell for a profit. We are naturally cared for by mother Earth just like each single cell of our body is cared for by us taking nourishment.
Why would Earth needs us humans at all? Wouldn't she be better off without us? She would have retained her pristine regal beauty and abundance. She as a conscious and sentient being needs us for her own evolvment, her own creating process.
Then how comes life on earth has been made such a struggle, a brutal game of survival? Who has shuved such false belief down our throat so that we totally forget what we've come here for? My gut feeling is that great mysteries of life will be revealed to us very soon when the great cross over takes place starting on December 21st. But we as individuals must get ourselves in gear to receive the revelations. Create space for oneself by sitting quietly alon
e; do stretching and breathing daily; connect with nature by taking a lone walk in nature and watching the sun rise over the horizon in the morning...
There's nothing to fear, nothing at all! The energies I've been picking up (especially during my daily practice in the wood) are very very positive and such energies are intensifying day by day. The Galactic tidal waves are soon sweeping the planet and the victory over darkness will be made final!
Highly recommended YouTube videos:-
'Know Thyself' - a presentation by astrologer Santos Bonacci
Laura Eisenhower on the Divine Feminine


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