Money - Is It Real?

One morning a few months ago, I woke up from a lucid dream:-
I was standing on top of the hills of Glastonbury Tor. There was a presence with me trying to show and tell me things. It asked me to look over the plain on both side of the hills, and I behold thriving life of humans and vegetation on one side, but miles of miles of graveyards as far as the eyes can reach on the other.
Then It handed me an envelope. I opened it and it contains a cheque of a large sum with me as the payee. But the strange thing about this cheque is, it is made of sand and the figures are simply made of empty sea shells. I thought to my self, this is not real. The entity says in response, 'Money itself is not real'.
Then I woke up remembering so much details so vividly, which is very rare for me these days (most of the times I wake up knowing that I've been dreaming but cannot remember anything from them).
This particular dream occurred at a time when I was feeling a lot of worries and anxiety about money.

Recently the latest copy of Positive News arrived and in it I found an article that grabbed my attention. This again is rather unlike me because I don't normally pay much attention to articles discussing social issues. This article entitled 'How to reduce dept and unemployment' (by Ben Dyson) talks about the nature of money in our society and how it works (or NOT works as in the current scenario). I'd like to reproduce some paragraphs here:-
" ...right now, 97% of money in the UK is in the form of electronic numbers in people's bank accounts. This digital money is actually very different from the cash in your pocket because it is created by private companies that you and I know as 'banks'.
     When someone take out a loan, the money isn't taken from anyone else's account, it's simply typed into a computer system. Almost all of our electronic money was created in this way, out of nothing, by banks.
...Only 8% of bank lending actually goes to businesses; the bulk of the rest is used for mortgage lending, which pushes up house prices, or speculation on financial markets.
...banks have found that the more they lend, the more interest they can collect and the more profits they make."
 Come to think of it, it is a ludicrous situation - the money we borrow from the bank are just electronic figures and yet we are charged interest for every penny we borrow which never existed in the first place!
I've just remembered an incident with my bank account about 2 or 3 years back. I was trying to close down a bank account because I realised that particular bank was trying to screw me up. After about half a dozen calls, i was told that I have to walk into one of their branches to do that. After a couple of visits when the cashier send me away because he needed to see this or that proof which I didn't have with me, I thought I finally made a success of it on the 3rd visit when the cashier produced a printed proof saying that the account has been closed down with no arrears on it.
A few months later, I received a letter from the bank saying that I had incurred over £200 in arrears on the same account on interest. I tried to ring the bank but couldn't get any help because the account has been closed down. I drove into the same branch trying to find out what the heck was going on. The cashier explained to me that there was 76 pence in interest that did'nt clear when the bank account was closed down and the interest has accumulated over the months with a £30 administration charge for each month!

David Icke did an excellent job in exposing this shamble of money and banks in his recent video on YouTube.

     At present the whole world is busy looking for money at all costs. This is precisely what happened in Atlantis where the god of that time was money; religions portrayed it as a golden calf.
  ------  Columbian mystic and prophet V.M. Rabolu (         

     When man has fell down the last tree on earth and poisoned the last river stream, he will know that he can't eat money.                          ---- a native American Indian chief


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