It's Time to Set the Spirit Free

Every morning the moment I wake up, I greet the Spirit that's moving within me, bringing the gift of life and consciousness. I say, ''Dear Spirit, I thank you for coming to work in this body as life, light and consciousness. I promise you that I shall do my bit today towards setting you free."
Why do we have to set the Spirit free? Just to think this spark of Spirit which is a fraction of the Source Spirit, the Light of Light or God has been trapped in a body of flesh in darkness for eons life after life. Without it nothing no human souls can be animated into consciousness.
If we as individuals keep the Spirit trapped in body after body, life after life, we are committing SIN against Spirit and God. If we engage ourselves in worldly gains - wealth, name and fame, power, materials success, sensual pleasure, etc. - at the cost of letting the Spirit shines through, then we are accumulating karma which will bind us further and further in the material plane, density, ignorance and darkness. For this very reason Jesus said, " Do not lay wealth on earth where moth can get it and dust can settle on it; lay your wealth in Heaven where neither moth nor dust can touch it.''
How exactly do we lay down wealth in Heaven? Heaven is not out there in the sky or space; it is here right within our body. It is the cranium where our brain is held and the thinking faculty is. The Taoist adepts in ancient China call it the 'couldren', so named because it is in the brain that the alchemical transmutation takes place which will turn the individual into an 'immortal', or 'like God'. In order for ascension to happen, one has to prepare the body for the Great Work. The body has to be purified, cleansed and the chi has to be nurtured, purified and transmuted so that it will finally rise up along the spinal cord to unite with the Spirit dwelling in the brain. The Taoists call this 'union between Heaven and Man', or 'marriage between Heaven and Earth'. When the Union takes place, the pineal gland bloats up and sends out tremendous light in a 'big bang', activating billions of dormant brain cells. The individual is said to be enlightened. So, enlightenment is a biochemical process taking place within the human organism. Each individual may experience a personal 'Big Bang' within his own universe which enables him to reach for the Heavens and emerge with the pure magnetic White Light of the Creator. The way to get there is by working on the spinal cord, the Jabob's Ladder, the ladder to Heaven through energy work, body work, meditation and purity of living. Why wait for scientists to come up with 'scientific evidence' that the Universe come from a Big Bang while each one of us is equipped with the ladder to Heaven within our own body? They will never be able to find the ultimate proof anyway simply because they are functioning from their lower brain, the cerebellum. The difference between the cerebrum and cerebellum is elaborated by Australian astro-theologist Santos Bonacci whose work I have a great deal of admiration for.
The ultimate goal of all spiritual works, be it in Bhuddist, Taoist, Hindu or Christian (I'm on about true mystical Christian tradition before the Roman Empire) traditions, is enable the 'Big Bang' to take place within the organism of the individual. The Bible is a book elaborating on this biochemical process (again refer to Santos Bonacci's work). Read 'God man made flesh' by Dr. Carrey and you'll see how this is done. When Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree meditating for weeks, the ultimate result was the same 'Big Bang' within which gave him enlightenment. The Tao or the Way mentioned by Lao Tse in his Tao Te Ching is the same 'Big Bang'.

        Valley Spirit never suffers death. It is called the Mysterious Female. The gate to the Mysterious Female is called the foundation of Heaven and Earth. Infinitely moving and resting, its manifestation never comes to an end.
[Chapter Six, Tao Te Ching]

If you have no knowledge of the human anatomy and biochemistry, you'll be under the impression that Lao Tze is making pure metaphysical or philosophical assumptions. But in fact nothing can be further from the truth. The Spirit dwells within the optic thalymus located in the middle of the cerebrum. Because the cranium which contains the cerebrum is deep and dark, Lao Tze has used the metaphor of 'Valley'. The 'mysterious female' is nothing but the pineal gland which is normally flabby and dormant in an un-regenerated person. In a regenerated person, the pineal gland fills up with esse or christed oil and becomes hard as rock. It gives off light as bright as the light of 'Big Bang' at the beginning of the Universe (foundation of the Heaven and Earth) and connects the individual soul with the One Spirit. In this way, the individual soul is 'saved'. There is no saviour out there from high up. We are our own saviour. We work out our own 'salvation'; no one else is going to do it for us. No Buddha, Jesus, Allha or Chrishna will come back in time or re-incarnate on the planet to save any of their worshippers!
There cannot be a more auspicious time for us to embark on this grand work of self salvation. The Solar System has left the dark abyss of denseness and entered into a locale of light and higher vibrations. Our Mother Planet is doing her bit by heating up and reving up her vibrations up to cleanse herself of all the contamination that has been forced upon her for hundreds of years so that she can step up into a higher dimension. It's all happening! The place is HERE, the time is NOW!

Evolve the states from within and the without will take care of itself. -- Thomas H. Burgoyne in THE LIGHT OF EGYPT


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