Solar storm and the 2012 Prophecy

Tuesday 24th of month, the Earth received a massive hit of radioactivity due to the solar storm from our Sun. While radiation is generally considered harmful or even fatal to the human organism, a small proportion of the world's populace experienced an upsurge in their energy level and an uplift in spirit. If you are one of these few people who have rejoiced in feeling the loving pull from our Sun, you are one of the few lucky souls who have done the work necessary to raise the vibration level and will surive the final catastrophy that will destroy humanity in its known form. In other words, NO ONE shall survive the doom in their existing physical form simply because the human corporal forms are no use for the next level of existence or the higher density of plane. So all physical forms will be incinerated like dross and what remains will be those souls who've raised themselves to higher levels of vibrations through their effort and labour while living on planet earth (through not just one life time, but many many life times). No amount of wealth or power will save one apart from the purity of one's own soul. You might ask who is there to choose which souls to save? The answer is no one but yourself. Each one of us has been given the choices- to stay on the path of light and love or go down the road of worldliness. We've given the opportunity to make the choices out of our Free Will at each moment of our life in this life and millions of previous life times eons back. But life after life has been spent in chasing our worldly goals, fulfilling phantacies born out of our own egotistic mind. Time and time again we hand over our birth right to illusions of physical existence. As a result, we get punished by our own karma, not for our karma.   However, everything that has a begining must comes to and end.
Humanity inherited the legacy of the abundance of Earth as an oportunity to involve itself so that eventually it will makes its way back to its Creator, the Great Central Sun that is the source of all the effulgence in the entire universe. Instead, not only have we grown greedy and cruel towards each other as well as towards other life forms on the planet, but also we've grown callous to Mother Earth herself even to the extent of destroying the biological balance on earth and polluting, poisoning the very atmosphere we breathe in!
But evolution itself and the Cosmic Law won't make the mistake of putting the cart in front of the horse - the Spiritual Hiarachy and guardians of planet earth won't allow man to destroy the very instrument that has been leased to man for its evolution.
End of Dharma Era
At times of change, there are always opportunists who prey on people's anxiety and fear. In America, someone has come up with the 'brilliant idea' of selling courses teaching people skills to hopefully enable them to survive the end of the world. Another entrepreneur has been busying himself building underground bunker units to sell at $75,000 each which are said to be radiation resistent. Can you believe for one moment these clever people have the interest of others in their heart in promoting these innovative business ideas? The only factors behind their motive are FEAR and GREED, nothing else! Fear of loss, fear of end; greed for money and power over others. How can some people seriously believe they can buy their security, a new lease of life with money! That would totally defute the whole purpose of evolution on the cosmic scale.

False Teachers
Again preying on people's fear and anxiety in uncertain times like this, all manners of 'teachers' and 'prophets' are getting on the stage to proclaim truths. Again they are selling themselves as the ones who has wisdom and knowlege; who make claims to bring people new life or happiness. For every single genuine teacher or adept, there will be hundreds of false teachers speaking on top of him. The thing is, true teachers or adepts are often shy from publicity. Knowing the ignorance and bigotry that the general public suffers from, they don't want to make themselves a target of redicule or even  shouts of 'Crufify'! 'The lips of wisdom remain closed except to those who understand' (Kyballion). In the Taoist mystic tradition, the true teaching and knowledge has always been cautiously guarded as 'celestial secrets' and mindless pulferage of them are considred a severe crime in the eyes of the spiritual hierarchy. Even to this day, only a tiny fraction of the knowlege has been made available to the Chinese populace, let alone the western world.
As a general rule, those teachers who try to sell their 'wisdom' in the forms of lectures, workshops, tapes or books and who make all manners of claims and promises can be safely put down as 'false'. Then how to look for geunuine teachers and adepts? 'Only these with ears can hear'. 'When the student is ready, the master will come'. When you meet the true master you'll know by the lustre and spark in his eyes, the radiance in his skin and the warm glow radiating from his heart. If you haven't done your preliminary work, you will miss him even when you come face to face with him.
The Aquarian Age
Be very clear that whatever changes or catastropies that are awaiting mankind are not happening as a punishment for the wrongs or sins we've committed. They are happending as one necessary stage of spiritual evolution on the cosmic scale.
All the teachers within the Mystery have been saying humanity is on the cusp of changeover between the Pisccean Age and the Aquarian Age. Luxamore talks about the 'evolutionary quantum leap' between the two Ages in his essay MYSTERY OF THE SOUL (source: with the following descriptions:
...In time we will hear terms or phrases such as, the "Ascension Age," the "Quantim Age," the "Hyer-space Age," and the "Photon Age." All of these latter Ages allude and refer to the characteristical nature of the forces that will soon interact, interface and integrate with humanity in the coming Aquarian Age causing a transmutation within the psychosomatic system of man at cellular and atomic levels.
After listing these transmutations in the human DNA, the pineal gland, the way the neurons function in the brain and in the chakric-system, Luxamore continues:

      It is said that the attainment of enlightenment is not merely a psychological event, it is also a chemical and electrical one. It is in fact an alchemical affair. In short in the Aquarian Age man will be spiritually mutated and made anew to a greater perfection - but only if man is prepared and works to facilitate this. This transmutation is the evolutionary quantum leap that awaits humanity.

The significance of Age transfer is highlighted the Acquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ transcribed by Levi. Jesus referred to the beginning of the Aquarian Age in these words:
      And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near. (Aquarian Gospel 159: 29, 30)

Levi also transcribed in great details a vision he received making the transfer of dominion from the Pisean Age to the Aquarian Age, a major event in the world of Cherubim and Seraphim. (see INTRODUCTION of the Aquarian Gospel)

Earth Density Upgrade and the Harvest of the human souls
Another material with indepth information regarding the changes awaiting humanity at the cusp of such Age transfer is the Book of One (also known as the Ra Material). This material was transcribed by a group of people in America in the 1980's after receiving communication during dozens of group session from an entity called Ra from higher density plane (we normally refer to these entities as 'Aliens' in our ignorance).

      There is a season upon your planet which shall be highly traumatic within your physical illusion......

It is not either permissible or possible for us to tell you precisely what
events will occur, or when they will occur, due to the fact that the
vibration within the mind and heart of the peoples upon your planet is
determining and will determine the precise events. There is within the
planet Earth a great deal of karma which must be adjusted as the cycle
changes, and these things will manifest. Precisely when, and how, we
cannot say, nor would we wish to, my friends. For the rain, and the
wind, and fire, will destroy only those things which are in what you call
the third density of vibration. You may value those things because you
cannot imagine what a fourth-density existence will be like. We suggest
to you that you spend no time concerning yourselves with the effort of
maintaining your third density existence after the vibration change to
fourth density has been completed.

If, within your spirit, your graduation day has come, those things
necessary for your emergence into fourth density will be done for you.
All will be accomplished by helpers which you must be aware that you

It is extremely possible that damage will occur to those things which
you identify with yourself in the third density. If we may speak plainly,
you will observe the valley of the shadow of death. These very words,
my friends, have been spoken to you before, and yet you cling to that
physical body and those physical surroundings as though your spirit
were attached quite permanently to them.

There is a choice to be made very shortly, and it would be preferable if
all of the people of this planet understand the choice that is to be made.
It will be difficult for many of the people of this planet to understand
what this choice is, because it is a choice that they have not considered.
They have been much too involved in their daily activities and their
confusion and their desires of a very trivial nature to be concerned with
an understanding of the choice that they are very shortly to make.
Whether they wish to or not, whether they understand it or not,
regardless of any influence, each and every one of the people who dwell
upon planet Earth will shortly make a choice. There will be no middle
This choice is
measured by what we term the vibratory rate of the individual. It is
necessary, if an individual is to join those who make the choice of love
and understanding, for his rate of vibration to be above a certain
minimal level.
There will be those who choose to follow the path of love and
light and those who choose otherwise. .......
There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls
that will shortly occur upon your planet. We are attempting to extract
the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for
we are the Harvesters.

''On that night, I tell you, there will be two people sleeping in the same bed: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind. Two women will be grinding corn together: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind."  - Jesus Christ, The Coming of the Kingdom, The Gospel According to Luke

The following two links offers comprehensive information and insights into the subject of 2012 Prophecy and its associated changes:-

May you stay in peace, light and love at this testing and changing time!


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