'Love is a dirty word!'

What is Love? ... just an image?

Contemporary Indian thinker/teacher U.G. Krishnamurti calls LOVE a 'dirty word'. I think he wasn't far off from speaking the truth. To say the least, the word LOVE is a very much distorted and misinterpreted, misused concept that has created havoc in the human psyche for thousands of years.
Everybody loves talking about LOVE - the Christians, the spiritual teachers, the holy men, the new age leaders, the therapists... the list just goes on. Sadly enough, centuries of ideation and conceptualisation of the magic word across all cultures, all faiths and belief systems among all races have failed to restore a 'golden age' for the humanity which probably never existed in the first place. Today, amidst the heated and frantic running-up to the cataclysmic changes facing the planet and humanity (the 2012 prophecy), the banner of LOVE is being waved all the more frantically by all manners of teachers and prophets.  Some say, in order to save the planet or to survive the catastrophe, you need to do nothing but 'sitting on the crouch and being LOVE'.
This scenario is forcing me to take a fresh look at LOVE and ask myself, What is love? Suppose it is freely available to every living breathing being, does each of know how to stay in touch with it or so that we can simply 'be Love'?
First of all, when an average person think of love, it is either sexual love between lovers, or sentimental love between family, mother to children or vice verse, friends; someone close to you. I would call this kind of love carnal love; it is not unique to humans, animals possess such love and can display it as well.  So, there's nothing sacred to this kind of love, so let's not try to put a halo around it.
Then you get all the religious teachers/leaders blowing the trumpet of 'universal love', 'unselfish love', 'unconditional love', etc...etc. Well, personally I haven't seen such kind of love being expressed in reality; I haven't experienced it so far anyway. Jesus personified such love and tried to teach it to others. But look at what it had cost him: being nailed to the cross to suffer a slow painful death! Has his sacrifice and martyrdom serve to wake up 'true love' in his fellow beings and followers after him? Sadly to say, Christianity which ensued  has caused more division, strife, hatred and killing than any other faith and religion in the entire human history!

I'm not saying pure  love as a vibration doesn't exist. Without the love vibration, the whole Universe would not have manifested! Everything in the Universe, including us earth humans (man in its pristine state, not the genetically messed up man who were created as a slave race), were created out of love. To follow this line of thinking, it follows naturally that love permeates the whole universe, every galaxy, every system, every planet and is accessible for all sentient beings living on the planet.
'At the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was made flesh...'
I see the Word as the original vibration, or thought, or energy - it matters not what one calls it.
There are only two forces in this universe: light and darkness, yang and yin. 'Matter is trapped light' (Earth channelled message from the Plaidians by Barbara Marciniak).

In the Bible, it says that God loves man so much that he begot his only son in the form of Jesus to come to save us. The underlying meaning is that if man rejects such fraternal love he will be subject to anger and retributions from God, the ultimate of which is Hell. Such a God sounds so jealous, angry and revengeful that I simply cannot link it up with Love either in its narrow carnal sense or in cosmic and metaphysical sense! If God had to resort to creating fear in order to win love from his creation, then his love is no more sacred than a love from a bitch to her puppies! Christians love talking about Gods love to his children and how we as his children should love Him back with all our heart. This sounds to me like the kind of hope and love that a drowning man pins on the last bit of straw. If you don't want to drown (going to Hell), be obedient to God and all the intermediaries representing God.
Love doesn't grow out of fear, full stop!
Man will never know or experience true love until he's rid of fear - fear of the unknown, fear of the authority (including fear of God), fear of death, fear of loss, fear of pain and suffering. When he has regained true sovereignty of himself he will be a natural expression of the cosmic vibration called love; then he will stop feeling the need for incessant ideation and talk about love.
Love as circumscribed by human mentality is just another idea, another word, 'a dirty word' in U.G. Krishnamirti's book.
Love is not a emotion, either; it is a vibration, rather - that pure, undiluted vibration coming from the Source of light and life. It is permeating the whole Creation, all life forms on all planets in any given moment. It is the very life force that inanimate us. However, as self-willed beings, we can choose to block out the vibration of love out of fear, hate or any other negative feelings, thoughts or psychic toxin. When our mind becomes enclosed in distorted and fragmented consciousness and our body becomes rigid and sick through loss of vitality and sensitivity, we cut ourselves off from this supply of unmitigated love vibration coming from the Source. We end up with subsisting on a tiny portion of this vibration and often in a much diluted or twisted fashion.

Is there love in every single blade of grass?

What remedy do I have for this malady? Turn off your television and radio to cut off the negative frequencies; spend quiet time daily just to get in touch what's inside - I don't mean what's inside your mind, but what's coming from inside your body, what each single cell of your body is trying to tell you. If you find it really a torment to sit quietly, go out into the nature for a walk, or simply sit in the garden (weather permitting) to watch the clouds and listen to the birds. When we completely let down the defence of our ego and the walls of prison we've build ourselves for our mind, we realise love, that vibration, is not separated from the core of our being; in fact it is part and particle of our organism and being. Then we stop feeling the need to talk about love as an idea and ideal, to make a song and dance out of it as the New Age people do. Anyone who feels the need to lecture about unconditional or universal love are doing so precisely because they feel the lack of it in themselves. Those who have tasted the nectar of such love will simply go quiet, just like babies cry loud because they are hungry; they go quiet once they are at mother's bosom taking milk to their heart's content.


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