The 2012 Prophecy

'The world as we know is all going to come to an end on December 21, 2012'. This prophecy, originated from the Mayan Calender, is hitting the world in a big way (though it hasn't made its way to the main-stream media so far). The whole cyber-space is being flushed with videos, debate, advice on how to 'survive' it and how to prepare for it, etc.
I myself is neither shocked, saddened, scared or excited about it. Even if the end of the world doesn't happen in the form of our planet Earth being destroyed, the world is going to end for us as an individual when we die, anyway. A few years, a few dozens' years aren't going to make any difference. Why is it happening, or when is it happening and how is it going to happen is of no significance. I don't mean to say 'Let's wait and see what happens. I don't have to worry about it until it actually happens'. Quite the opposite, whether it happening or not, I think we should start to make the shift (there's supposed to be a pole shift happening so the earth will start rotating in different direction) within each of us right NOW! If you were sailing on a ship and someone tells you the ship is going to sink, will you still stay put and try to enjoy the food and drink or other luxury on offer? Will you think to yourself 'I won't have to do anything about it until the last minute'?
The entire civilization is a sinking ship and the entire humanity is going down with it. Yet we've been wandering through life after life without waking up to the fact. We've been permanently 'hypnotized' by the media, the people in power, the social values, the educational system. We've taken the unreal for real and real for unreal. We think we are fully conscious and enjoy the freedoms of making life choices while we've been enslaved, ensnared by our very own mindset, slumbering like a zombie. Our vision is linear while Reality is dimensional. We think we are beating time by quickening our life pace and cramming more 'doings' into our mundane existence; in fact we're only deluding ourselves in a desperate effort to run away from the emptiness and loneliness the recess of our soul.
Time itself is an illusion. Even a whole lifetime is considered just a 'foam' floating on the ocean surface by the spiritually-awakened people.
Buddha once asked his disciples, 'What do you think is one time measurement for human life?' The first disciple said, 'a few days'. 'Not so,' replied Buddha.
The second disciple said, 'the time it takes one to finish one meal'.
'Still not right'.
'A matter of one breath', replied the 3nd disciple.
'That's right!' exclaimed the Buddha. 'Thou has indeed comprehended Tao [Reality] !'

On another occasion, one king who doubted Buddha's teaching came to the Buddha and asked him,
'I've seen all manners of asceticism being practiced by aspirants of all schools; non of them have succeeded in overcoming their lust. I don't believe for a moment your disciples have avoided mental afflictions caused by their lust.'
'Ah, I've just the way for your Majesty to find out for yourself. ' came the Buddha's answer.
'Go and fetch a prisoner from your jail who's doomed for death punishment. Fill up a bowl with oil right to the brim and ask this prisoner to carry it walking the street. Then get four executioners to follow this prisoner from behind each carrying a sabre. Tell the prisoner that he will be exempted from death penalty if he can manage to carry the bowl without spilling one single drop of oil from it. But if he spills even one drop, his head will come off with it instantly. Furthermore, make sure to lay out troops of beautiful women colourfully adorned singing and dancing along the street where the prisoner is going to walk and then ask him if he notices any of it in the end'.
So, exactly as suggested by Buddha, the king had the prisoner walking through the thoroughfare carrying a bowl of oil. Surprisingly, the prisoner did not spill even a single drop of oil despite the big commotion coming from the singing and dancing women on the side of the street! Thus he was exempted from his execution and set free from the jail.
He was summoned by the King who asked him, 'What did you actually see or hear while walking down the thoroughfare?'
To this he replied, 'I was so intense on keeping the oil in so that I don't have to suffer the striking of the sabre that I neither see nor heard nothing!'
When the King came to see Buddha again informing him the end result, Buddha said,
'You see, even a prisoner who's scared of loosing his life will turn a blind eye and deaf ear to sensual pleasures; then let alone all of my disciples who've been taught about the unpredicability and vulnerability of life and who've comprehended the sufferings associated with endless births and deaths. How is it possible for them not to end their mental afflictions then and there!'
So, if we can put an end to our suffering caused by mental afflictions here and now, why wait for some extraterrestial beings from higher dimensions to come to rescue us?
If we can set ourselves free from the cage of imprisonment now, why lay idle hoping the cage is going to undergo a shift to take us to a 'utopia paradise' one day?
'The end of the world' can be made a reality to each one of us right here and now!


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