What are your qualifications for teaching?

The University of Ambitions and Success are interviewing for 3 new posts: one for lecturer of philosophy, one for lecturer of Psychology and one for lecturer of theology. The interviewee who turned up for the first position is an insignificantly-looking little guy with a quiet disposition. He was asked the question 'What is the best philosophy for success?'. To this the little guy answered 'Non-assertion, non contrivance and non-doing .' 'What are your qualifications for teaching?' To this second question the interviewee answered, 'Darker than any Mystery!' Feeling both bewildered and humiliated, the interviewer showed the little guy the door straight away.
Then ushered in the second interviewee who applied for the second position - lecturer of Psychology. He is a guy of rather impressive demeanour radiating peace and compassion. When he looks at you, you feel your soul is being penetrated by his gaze. He was posted this question by the interviewer, 'Have you learned a psychology that can fix all the afflictions of a person's mind and soul?' To this the interviewee answered softly but with deliberation, 'When one sees that all is empty, one is freed of all afflictions and suffering.' Then he was asked the same standard question, 'What are your qualifications for teaching?' To this he answered 'I have neither wisdom nor attainment'. No more questions were asked after this and the guy us ushered out as politely as he was ushered in.
‘Darker than any mystery'
It is now the turn for the 3nd interviewee to show himself. He is a rather slim guy with beard and long hair with looks of loving kindness. One is naturally reminded the image of God at the sight of him. The interviewer began the session with this question, 'What is, in your opinion, the best way for people to know God?' To this the God-like figure replied, 'One needs only lifting up his eyes and he will behold his Father in Heaven'. 'What, then, are your qualifications to teach?' 'I have no qualification other than being as pure as a child.' He, like with the two previous interviewees, was turned away without much-a-do.
Needless to say, all three vacancies got filled up by applicants with tons of professional qualifications and impressive track records of success. Their teaching within their respective posts turned out more successful candidates for philosophers, psychologists and priests.
But hardly did the interviewer realize that he had turned down Lao Tzu for the position of philosophy, Lord Buddha for the position of psychology and Jesus for the position of Theology.


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