Is wisdom a product of thought?

Westerners like talking about 'wisdom of the East' or wisdom of this or that. It makes one think that wisdom is something to be learned, acquired or copied from out there through learning a certain meditation technique, breathing in a certain way, undergoing some exotic therapy treatment, attending some 'transformation', 're-birthing' or 'healing 'workshops, reading some highly-evolved, cleverly thought-out philosophy or psychology  books. In my opinion, all of these will be a complete waste of time if one doesn't learn how to empty oneself first. A mind that is crammed full of rubbish - ideals, conditioning, tension, fears - has no room for anything fresh. Developing wisdom is not a matter of replacing some ideas with new set of ideas. True wisdom is artless; it doesn't come from contrived effort. It is what reveals itself when the conditioning has been undone and the pristine state of the mind is restored. In other words, wisdom is innate in us but has been obscured by temporal accumulations. It is not bound by words, language, race, doctrine or religious believes. Wisdom has got nothing to do with learning, intellect, success or age of the individual either. A bird given the choice between a gold cage adorned with diamonds and freedom will choose the latter. We humans will make the opposite choice; yet we believe we are in possession of the greatest wisdom. When we've learned that we are actually creating prison and cage for ourselves with our mind, perhaps that would be the beginning of true wisdom.
Wisdom is a pathless land, and it cannot be learnt from a teacher.
Wisdom is what is there at the beginning of time; it will remain at the end of time.


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