Dark Matter & Chi

There was a programme on BBC last night about the history of the Big Bang theory. Towards the end the presenter (who was himself a cosmology scientist) brought up the subject of the 'dark matter' the mysterious matter pervasing the entire Universe but which no one knows for sure what is. Extrememely complicated and collossal machines have been built by scientists in the attempt of capturing this notorious 'dark matter' for scientific research but there hasn't been much luck so far.
I'm rather ignorant as far as conventional science is concerned. But I can't help making assumptions that if this dark matter cannot be captured from out there, it might be possible that it can be captured from within our own body since all the elements that compose our human body have their origin in the deep cosmic space. The Taoists have always seen human body as a universe in micro-cosmic scale. In Taoist alchemy, the primordial Chi, or the cosmic energy it its most primal form, is alluded to as 'dark lead' and is said to comes from the outer space . Each human being is born with 'dark lead' which is chi in its pristine state. But as one grows into adult as conditioned being, this pristine energy dwindles and eventually degrades into temporal impure chi. However, if one cultivates and refines one's mind and chi, it is possible that he finds a path of reversal to return to the pristine state he was born with.
Could there be some connection between the all evasive and enigmatic 'dark matter' and the mysterious Chinese concept of Chi? I'm not sure if so far the existence of chi within the human body has been proved by modern science. But as a devout practitioner of taichi, chi kung and yoga of long standing, I have direct experiences of chi and of what it does to my body and psyche. Scientists, on the other hand, have to rely on devices, equipment and machines, mathmatical equations and laboratories as aids to their research and discovery. Who is there to judge which one of us is more reliable as a source of knowledge and understanding: the person with direct first-hand experience and perception or the scientitsts equiped with theories, acadamic knowledge, scientific date and statistics and laboratory test results?
I don't try to pose myself as a 'mystic'; but neither am I inclined to try to persuade anyone to believe my perception; believing won't add anything to me and non-believing won't take anything from me.


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