Can you hold out!

Pills are not the only solution for curing illnesses. Food itself can often have medicinal properties. The science of Chinese herbal medicine stems from the food people eat everyday. Even today, some food is used as herbs and some herbs are eaten as food. Gojiberries, for instance, can be used in herbal remedies or can be used in tea or in soup or simple be eaten raw as they are as fruits. Apples which are widely available wherever you go can be used to cure diarrhoea if chopped up fine. Finely-chopped ginger mixed with dark brown sugar in hot water is very effective for fighting back colds. Some insignificant-sounding and cheap ingrediants can help prevent cander if taken on regular basis. Cornmeal (available from most Asian/Oriental groceries' and some supermarkets) is one such example. It can greatly reduce the risk of bowl and intestine cancer. I always make it into gruel to have, occasionally corn bread (steamed). I can write a book on the subject of healthy, theraputic diet not based on vitamins or calories only!

Some American scientists are claiming that they've found the life-saving drug that could cure cancer, but it will take at least five years before they can actually deliver the new pills.
I'm not sure what the logic is behind this - proclaiming the good news years before it becomes a reality or even possibility. Are they trying to tell cancer patients to hold out for their new pill? If the patients are lucky enough to survive this lengthy waiting period-  minimum 5 years and possibly (much) longer - then they stand a chance of their lives been spared by these conjectural life-saving pills!
If I was a cancer patient, I won't want to pin my hope on any scientist and their pills. I would look into ways to do things to save myself here and now. Change the diet, relocate to a more benign weather environment, start doing Tai Chi are just a few things one can make happen to improve the chance of healing; instead of counting the days and think to oneself, "Haven't they made those pills yet?"
Food is from God; pills are from man.


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