'Who am I?'

On creating this blog, I was asked to fill out identity information - my personal information (name, date of birth, sex, place of residence etc. ) and my profession. This is how we identify ourselves in society. I always find it hardto tell people about myself because there is not much to tell - basically I'm Nobody. I have no social status, no profession, no title (such as Dr., Professor). To put it this way, what I can tell people about myself won't interest most people; and what I can put into words are NOT really me.  I'm not this body, this name, this set of mind or what I do in life, for all of these are not permanent, they change and they vanish when I finish my journey on this planet. This is the same with everybody regardless of how rich, famous or powerful they are.
Of course there is no point in pinning our hope in an 'after life'; what is real is here and now. But I do think one can realize one's true Self here and now in this very life. To quote the Indian spiritual teacher Ramana Maharshi,''...in order to gain that happiness which is one's nature and which is experienced in the state of deep sleep where there is no mind, one should know one's self. For that, the path of knowledge, the inquiry of the form 'Who am I?' is the principal means.''
I don't believe truth, or God as some people prefers to call it, is some highly esoteric or mystic aparations out there beyond reach of mundane men and women. It is most simple, most direct and can be realized by anyone who cares to look for it. And one way to begin the journey is to ask ourselves 'Who am I?'. Once we find the answer to 'Who am I', we'll stop deluding ourselves further and further away from our true origin.


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